Article Retraction Policy

Article Retraction Policy

Editors pay regard to restrictions when there is proof of erroneous data or conclusions, plagiarism, multiple publications, or unethical research. The editor has the authority to reject the article at any stage of evaluation. If an article is being scrutinized, a notification of expression of concern may be considered. All retraction announcements explain the article's withdrawal. The retraction process varies based on the article's publishing stage.

Guidelines for authors to avoid article retractions :

  • Ensure all information presented in the article is accurate and supported by reliable sources.
  • Thoroughly check and verify all data, statistics, and other information included in the article before submitting it for publication.
  • Clearly cite all sources used in the article and provide proper credit to the original authors.
  • Avoid plagiarism at all costs. Properly paraphrase and cite any information taken from other sources.
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may exist, such as financial relationships with companies mentioned in the article.
  • Adhere to ethical standards in research and reporting, including obtaining appropriate permissions for any copyrighted materials used in the article.
  • Follow the guidelines set forth by the publication in terms of formatting, structure, and referencing style.
  • Seek feedback from peers or experts in the field before submitting the article for publication to ensure its accuracy and credibility.
  • Be transparent about any revisions made to the article after publication, and clearly explain the reasons for these changes.
  • Take responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies discovered after publication and work with the publication to issue corrections rather than opting for a retraction.