Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest

Accordingly, at IJJR, No conflict of interest exists between the Authors (or the Authors’ Institution), Reviewers or Editors through any Financial relationship, Personal relationship, Academic competition and Intellectual passion, etc. that might influence (bias) author’s actions. Thus there is no potential to influence or affect author’s scientific judgment.

How to avoid COI

It is recommended that authors disclose any financial links, affiliations, or personal interests that could affect their work, as well as any potential conflicts of interest that may result from their research. All funding sources for the study as well as any potential conflicts of interest that can skew the results should be disclosed by the authors.

Authors should declare any financial affiliations with businesses or groups that might have a stake in the research being presented in order to prevent conflicts of interest. This covers any financial relationships that might have an impact on the study's outcomes, such as funding, employment, consultancy fees, stock ownership, or other financial affiliations.

Any personal or professional ties that can be interpreted as a conflict of interest should also be disclosed by authors. This covers any personal or familial ties to the research participants as well as any potential biases stemming from connections or personal beliefs.

It is encouraged of authors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest in a clear and comprehensive manner. Unreported conflicts of interest may compromise the veracity and integrity of the study published in the publication. By adhering to these rules, authors can make sure that there are no conflicts of interest or biases in their work, which will increase credibility and confidence among scientists.