Author Guidelines

The author should read the guidelines carefully and follow them, Students should also consult their supervisors before submission to this journal.

  1. Author's detail:Each article must include at least one student and one supervisor (as co-author) under whose supervision research work has been done. If the supervisor does not wish to be included as a co-author, we will require an email from the supervisor confirming the same. We will still require the supervisor's detail and each supervisor's name will still be mentioned as the mentor but not included in the authorship.

All author(s) presented in the manuscript should be added in the same order during step 3 of online submission. Further, on the first page of the article (Just before the abstract section), complete detail of each author should be provided in the following format (use the same format as given below)

1.1 Complete detail of each scholar

Full Name:
Affiliation (Department and College/University) with postal address:
Academic year/Semester:
Course level: (Master/Bachelor)
Course name:
Course year/semester:
email id: (fake/wrong/invalid email id may cause article rejection)

1.2 Complete detail of each supervisor(s)/co-authors

Full Name:
Affiliation (Department and College/University) with postal address:
email id: (fake/wrong/invalid email id may cause article rejection)

  1. Formatting requirements
  • The manuscript should be in A4 size with a single-column layout. 
  • All Headings/subheadings should be numbered using the style tag of Microsoft Word (heading 1, heading 2......) and the text's font & space should be consistent throughout the manuscript.
  • All manuscripts must contain the essential elements of the article and divide the article into clearly defined sections, for example, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Artwork, and Tables with Captions.
  • The abstract should be within 300 words. The abstract and conclusion section should be written with continuous sentences without any subheadings in it, do not use bullet points/numbered lists. The abstract and conclusion section should not have any citations within it.
  • If your article includes any Supplementary material, this should be uploaded as the supplementary file in step 2 of the submission process. 
  1. Figures and tables
  • All illustrations; figures and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate place with a consistent figure/table number and descriptive title. Each table figure should be explained in the text by referring to the corresponding figure/table number.
  • Please ensure the figures and the tables are placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript, rather than at the bottom or the top of the file. 
  1. References
  • The author should include at least 50% recent (from the last 2 years) reference citations.
  • All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references in the text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., as explained by AIJR [1] as discussed in many reports [2]-[6]).
  • All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed. 
  • All cited references should be listed after the acknowledgment section in the IEEE style. For example -

[3] W. S. Author, "Title of paper", Name of Journal in italic, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year. DOI or URL (link)

The main features of citation style are given as

  • The author's name format is, "first name (Initial), middle name (Initial), and last name". This differs from other styles where the author's last name is first. 
  • The title of an article (or chapter, conference paper, patent, etc.) is in quotation marks. 
  • The title of the book or journal is in italics.
  • Valid DOI/URL (online link) may be given for each reference next to it in the reference list. If any reference is not available online it should be modified/deleted.
  1. Declarations

The author should add the following set of declarations at the end of the manuscript-

5.1 Study Limitations: Provide all possible limitations faced in the study that might significantly affect the research outcome, If not applicable, write, none.
5.2Acknowledgments: If not applicable, write, none
5.3Funding Source: If no funding source exists, write, none.
5.4 Competing Interests: The author must add a statement for the potential conflict of interest;
5.5 Warning for Hazard: If the work involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the author must clearly identify these in the manuscript.

  1. Human and Animal-Related Study

If the work involves the use of human/animal subjects, each manuscript should also contain the following set of declarations-

6.1 Ethical Approval: Provide an ethical approval authority name with the reference number. If not required, provide an ethical exemption letter of not required. The author should upload a scanned PDF copy of the ethical approval/exemption letter during manuscript submission.

6.2 Informed Consent: Write a statement for the informed consent taken from the patients/participants/respondents to publish this study. The editor may ask to upload the scanned PDF copy if required.