About the Journal

Welcome to the International Journal of Vedic Science Research Studies (IJVSRS), a prestigious platform dedicated to the exploration and advancement of ancient Vedic knowledge. Immersed in the rich heritage of ancient Indian wisdom, the journal serves as a bridge between the past and the present, providing a platform for cutting-edge research and education in the field of Vedic science.

The journal provides valuable insights into the timeless wisdom of the Vedas and their relevance in modern society. Our goal is to provide unique research and thought-provoking viewpoints on different aspects of Vedic science, including Vedic philosophy, astrology, Ayurveda, and spirituality. We accomplish this by employing a rigorous process of double-blind peer review and scholarly analysis.

At the International Journal of Vedic Science Research Studies, we strive to foster a dynamic community of individuals committed to delving into the deep wisdom of the Vedas. Join us for an exciting journey of discovery as we explore the mysterious Vedic tradition and its profound impact on our lives and society. Come along on an enlightening exploration of the universe, guided by the timeless wisdom of the Vedas.